August 2, 2016

Beet Jam

The other day I came across a recipe from XIX century for carrot jam. It is wonderful, but it is not, what I want to talk to you about today. The reason I mention this is because it gave me an idea to create my own recipe for beet jam. I love beets and since they are naturally sweet I thought it would be a good idea to try using them to make a jam. Since they are sweet and I like a tart taste of my jam I decided to combine rhubarb with beets. Both are vegetables and they complement each other. I have to admit, that I did not expect such wonderful results. My jam tastes like plum jam, it is vibrant red and takes almost no time to make it.

I am almost addicted to it now. I like it with my cheese in the morning for breakfast, also as an appetizer and just recently I have been adding it to my natural yogurt – plain delicious. I promised myself, that next time when I bake a tart, I will use it for the filling. I think, that now I will stop all together using any other jam, I mean made from fruit. I will reserve fruit for eating them raw, nothing else. Believe me, once you try this recipe your life will change forever. For example, do you have a kid and you wonder, what you should do, so they eat more vegetables? Why not make this jam? They will not notice and I guarantee, that they will enjoy it. Unlike fruit, vegetables, in addition to vitamins, are also filled with minerals, so I think, that it is much better to have vegetable jam around the house, than the traditional fruit jam.

I really hope, that I have convinced you to try it, so let's jump right to the recipe!

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