Sandra Silberzweig: House of love and diversity
wanted to share with you my thoughts, which have been with me for a
while now. We are in a special place now, due to transition into a
New Year, which is also a time for reflection and re-evaluation. A
lot of us have already heard about parallel universes.
But have you considered an idea, that parallel universes make up our
existence? What about thought power, which is capable of
creating individual reality? We hear, that everything we perceive in
the physical world has its origins in the invisible, inner world of
our thoughts and beliefs. Do you agree? If yes, then it is rational
to conclude, that physical world of over 7 billion people, that
currently live on our planet, is nothing else, but a multitude of
individual realities, that constitute the world, that we know or in
other words, there are multitude of individual universes spanning our
collective reality.
are born to assume, that the world we see can be seen the same way by
everyone. By assuming, that there is an objective world, we, in a
way, collapse all beautiful possibilities into one and reject
plentiful, infinite and unlimited. Once we realize, that there are
many realities, each represented by every individual on this planet,
and that each of those realities is valid and desirable, then we will
be able to embrace bountiful, extravagant, overflowing, lavish,
infinite as well as liberal. I have not always thought that way. I
think, it came with the realization, that life is immensely
beautiful, unique and so short, and that we are all blessed to
experience it. Since then everything changed...
believe, that one of the requirements for the multitude of realities
to flourish, is that we learn to be accepting. We have already
intuitively done it by creating moral and ethical codes of conduct.
They help us navigate through this mosaic without the need to
consciously acknowledge, that complexity is simply the result of
"parallel universes" spanning our reality. We do not need
to delve deeply into the root cause of intricate geometry of human
relations, instead we can blindly follow the rules and avoid clashing
with other perceptions and manifestations of individual realities.
Well, this is the theory, but we all know, that even though we follow
the rules, we still sometimes cannot avoid turmoil, confusion,
agitation, annoyance, fear, anxiety and many other feelings and
we realize, that every person on this planet has created their own
reality based on learned thoughts and beliefs, and if we add to this
cocktail the fact, that memories are very intimate and rarely are
based on facts, then the intricate network of individual universes
will become visible. It also explains, that standardized concepts and
beliefs do not always work. To believe, that we can change others is
one of the greatest delusions. People who tried it know, that it is
fruitless. And even if we managed to succeed, then what would that
mean? Wouldn't that mean, that we wanted a uniform world? Is this
what we really want, is this the experience we are seeking?
of personal growth recommend, that in order to become the master of
our destiny, we must learn to control the nature of our dominant,
habitual thoughts. By doing so, we will be able to attract into our
life, that which we intend to have and experience. This approach,
however, is not helpful. The main issue is that we seem to be at a
loss for words and we lack a code of conduct, when faced with
cognitive dissonance. And no personal awareness can help us, if we
forget, that the only glue of our reality is energy we call love.
Love seems to be accepting, inclusive tolerant and fearless. Love
means saying goodbye to expectations, includes letting go, does not
blame others and most of all makes us feel good and accepted. Love is
the bridge between parallel universes and our own.
most of us family is the place, where our own universe becomes
accepted and loved. It does not matter, that it differs and is not
the same, as other universes. This is probably the only valuable
lesson we will ever learn through our lives. If we learn to be
accepting and liberal, we will preserve plentiful, infinite and
unlimited and also learn to have hope, trust and be patient. But most
importantly, if we learn to approach ourselves with love we will also
become fearless, bountiful, and in good health. If we reject love, we
will start feeling anxious, stressed, filled with many ailments and
ills. The parallel universes will start to bother and annoy us and we
will try to reduce them to singular experience...
sites devoted to healthy living we read, that we should exercise, eat
healthy, unprocessed food, and avoid toxins. Although those tips are
valid and make sense, they do not complete the picture. Another
important element of healthy life is that we fill it with feelings of
love. Love makes us fearless and resistant to stress, anxiety or
simple unease, hence it must be pro-health. Living in the parallel
universe of our shared reality means, that we have real
responsibility to devote our lives to personal growth and embrace love. And if we do that, we will also realize,
that other parallel realities are also valid, even those, which we do
not understand. Living in such reality is unique and exclusive,
because we are allowed to draw pleasure from being surrounded by
plenty and expansiveness. It also means, that we live in the
surroundings, where all is allowed and achievable. Life is so
beautiful and every day I am in awe, that I can experience it one
more time... Happy New Year 2017!
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