October 27, 2016

Skillet Broccoli and Cauliflower

Cooking brings people together and this is not just a saying. For example we love open concept spaces, where everyone can be together. I believe, that this sense of intimacy and belonging is the main reason why we create wonderful dishes, that taste delightful. And it is true, that sometimes what we taste and think does not necessarily reflect the reality but the fact, that it is the result of combined effort makes all the difference. And today's recipe is just such example. I can swear, that it tastes amazing but because it is just another variation of my childhood dish I am not sure, if you also decide that it is worth trying...

Not long ago, while visiting my sister-in-law, together we invented this dish. She was planning on preparing a casserole but that day I felt like eating something light, so I suggested broccoli and cauliflower from the pan. In my childhood I used to eat cauliflower with bread crumbs but that day this type of dish seemed to us too ordinary. Given recently we tend to use pesto to almost anything, right away in the blender landed parsley, garlic, olive oil, some lemon juice and sunflower seeds. Although I tend to use almonds for this pesto we run out of them but had sunflower seeds. Believe me they also work well. Of course do not forget about parmesan, but if you happen to not have it, it is OK too. We had so much to catch up and this particular dish was cooking on its own...

The end result is amazing. The freshly prepared pesto adds more depth to the flavor and something which was so ordinary came out tasting amazing and different. Sometimes we like certain dishes because they evoke special memories and this recipe will always be just that for me. A wonderful time in the kitchen. A time filled with inspiration and intimacy. I really hope that this recipe is special and not only my personal recollection of the past, that adding freshly prepared pesto transforms a simple dish into tasty main dish, if you are a vegetarian, or a side dish if you are a traditionalist. 


October 25, 2016

Surprising sweetness of cinnamon – Ideal sugar substitute

Today I would like to share my new culinary experience with you. I have learned firsthand, that cinnamon can be used as sugar substitute. We all know, that sugar is the so called white death and because we are addicted to it, now we should try to slowly eliminate its amount from our everyday food. I did not cover this topic in my previous posts, because I believe, that now we all can agree, that it is poison, if consumed in excess. We can find it everywhere, because it is present in almost every processed food. This is why it is so hard for us to break the "bad" habit, but surely it will help, if we try to consciously avoid it from the food we prepare. Personally I have not get rid off sugar completely, because I love desserts, cookies or cakes from time to time, but I do not use sugar in my everyday cooking.

Cinnamon is special. It is aromatic, hence its benefits are questionable. What I mean by that is, that not many people like its aroma and taste. Turmeric, on the other hand, is a different story. It does not have a pronounced aroma or taste, hence its popularity. Cinnamon suffers a great deal especially if we take into account, that it is also an attractive and healthy spice.

Scientific research shows, that regular consuming of cinnamon positively influences our health. It can lower the blood sugar levels, because of a couple of reasons. Firstly it stimulates the insulin receptors as well as it deactivates the insulin receptor blockers, thereby helping us to control the carbohydrate metabolism. Secondly, addition of cinnamon to food high in carbohydrates, like for example rice, controls the way sugar is released into the bloodstream, hence it reduces the rise in blood sugar after eating. Another interesting feature of cinnamon is, that it has a very potent anti-microbial activity. As a result, it helps with our digestion as well as it can be used as an effective preservative. Patients suffering from rheumatoid disease find, that eating a combo of cinnamon and honey everyday makes them pain-free. Finally you can also enhance your brain powers by eating the same combo everyday. No matter what your reasons for eating cinnamon research supports the notion, that cinnamon has a unique healing abilities.

I have to admit, that I belong to a group of people who do not consume cinnamon on a regular basis. However, after what I have just learned, I will definitely re-examine my take on cinnamon in the kitchen. Especially, when it comes to preparing fruit cocktails and shakes. And this is what I wanted to share with you today. Just recently I felt like eating something simple and not complicated for breakfast, so I thought about the fruit shake. I had plums and pears, because they were in season. Combining them with yogurt is not a great idea, because the shake will become too acidic, if sugar is omitted. Hence I decided to test the idea, that cinnamon is a good replacement for sugar. For a cup of yogurt I used 1 teaspoon of sugar and the result was unbelievable. I do not remember the last time, when I got so surprised by synergistic effect of food combining (maybe the last time was when I prepared beet jam and carrot jam). My shake had surprising sweetness without the sugar. I suspect that we can attribute the mystery to its aroma, which helps bring out the natural sweetness of food. You have to try it! It is plainly unbelievable!

Yogurt fruit shake

2 plums

1 pear

1 cup yogurt

1 tsp cinnamon (or more)

Wash fruit in water with baking soda to remove the pesticides. Cut fruit into pieces and combine them with yogurt and cinnamon in a blender. Blend all until smooth and enjoy. In my opinion cinnamon is great to make yogurt shakes with acidic fruit, because it enhances the natural sweetness of fruit. Shakes made with alkaline fruit, on the other hand, can be made with addition of banana, which is great source of sweetness. However, given that combining fruit with any other food product is not recommended, because it can bring about unwanted intestinal fermentation, I think that it is a good idea to include cinnamon to all shakes and take advantage of its anti-microbial activity. In my opinion it is one of the most potent synergistic combos, because it allows us to indulge and enjoy something so delicious as yogurt fruit shakes. ENJOY!


October 20, 2016

Dynamic Bunch

Dynamic Bunch defines synergistic interaction, in which the combined effect is greater, than the simple sum of its parts. Hence synergy can make 1+1=3. The inspiration for today's blog was the latest trend about healthy food combinations, I came across recently, mainly chocolate and apple. I was quite surprised to learn, that this combination is healthy, because I am of an opinion, that no one should combine fruit with any other food product. Such combinations lead to the intestinal fermentation, which is never a good thing, so why this duo might be the reason for the increased health?
In addition, what is interesting, there is scientific evidence showing, that such combination actually works...Obviously I experienced cognitive dissonance and while trying to deal with it, I spent hours on the internet searching for the nonexistent publications, which supposedly support the synergistic effect of this new dynamic duo. 
Living in the information age means, that we need to navigate the noise, we are flooded with unprecedented amounts of written information, which does not necessarily means, that it is true. Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and changed our world forever. Everyone can become a writer and contribute to the increased amount of data available on the internet. We can make references to non-existent publications, to appeal to our audiences, the same way the authors of the above mentioned dynamic bunch have done. By doing so we introduce new theories and concepts. We hope, that others are not inquisitive or curious enough to get to the bottom of the issue. The art of getting the most out of the multitude is to select, what is most relevant. We all should remember, that not all things, that are written are true, especially if we rely on internet to tell us what is important. For instance, dynamic bunch, such as oatmeal and peanut butter or hard-boiled egg and banana will never impact our health in a positive manner, although many sites on the internet claim that they possess almost magical power.

Does it mean that food synergy does not exist? Of course it does, but to be able to navigate the noise, we first need to learn what harmonizing combinations are. The below listed combinations are examples of dynamic bunch:

avocado and tomato

brown rice and onion/garlic

legumes and cooked carrot

turmeric and black pepper

vinegar and grains

nuts and beer

broccoli and radishes

mushrooms and cream plus onion

tomato and olive oil

chickpea and beets

The reason why the above mentioned combinations positively influence our health is because all vitamins and minerals interact with one another and also because their absorption is dependent on the presence of another micro-element.

For instance, inulin which is present in onions and garlic positively stimulates our intestinal flora and this in turn helps with digestion of legumes, rice and other grain products (for more information see phytic acid).

Beta-caretonoids present in the cooked carrots, on the other hand, help with absorption of iron and zync present in legumes.

Vitamin D present in mushroom will be better absorbed, if it is in the presence of food high in calcium. Hence the traditional preparation of mushrooms with cream makes perfect sense and is the example of our intuitive power of properly combining food.

When consuming food rich in calcium like for example cheese, we should keep in mind, that it is also a source of sodium and this means, that if we overindulge ourselves, we may run the risk of disturbing the electrolytic balance in our bodies. So keep in mind when eating cheeses or similar food products to always include some vegetables, since they are the source of potassium.

B Vitamins from the theoretical point of view are better absorbed when in the presence of food high in those vitamins. It is also a good idea to combine such food with food high in vitamin C, especially if we aiming to increase the levels of vitamin B2 and B12. While folic acid is important for metabolism of vitamin B1, B5, B6 and B12, magnesium is important for vitamin B6. We can produce our own vitamin B3 but for that we need tryptophan and vitamin B6, hence we also need folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B12 and magnesium.

I believe that most of us already know, that iron is better absorbed when in the presence of vitamin C, and absorption of vitamin C depends on the presence of vitamin E and flavonoids (some of it is present in dark chocolate). Production of vitamin A is dependent on vitamin D and K and selenium levels depend on vitamin C and E.

Have you become confused already? Do not worry, it only seems complicated at first glance. Most of the dynamic duos is utilized in our kitchen already. We intuitively know how to combine food for best results. For example, I am not sure if you noticed, but to make hummus, which is also a good source of iron, we add lemon juice and parsley/coriander as sources of vitamin C. In addition, most if not all legume dishes also contain onion and garlic and to some we also add lemon/orange juice as well as parsley/coriander. Those dishes are also good sources of B vitamins, but also of iron, magnesium, folic acid and added vitamin C. So you see? It is easy.

With some food we do not even have to think about best combination. For example fruit and vegetables, which are good sources of vitamin C are also good sources of vitamin E. I have already talked about healthy combination between mushrooms and cream, but another dynamic duo, which is also a good example of intuitive combining, is tumeric and black pepper. This duo is natural for regions, where curry is on every day menu. We adopted the spice, so maybe it is not as intuitive for us, but it makes sense at least. While we are talking about black pepper, I want to tell you, that black pepper goes well with anything. And the reason for this is, because it stimulates our stomach to release gastric juices. This also means, that those who like pepper are most likely those who do not have problems with digestion and others who stay away from it may be those, who may experience digestion problems from time to time.

The bottom line is, that there are some dynamic bunch, which harmonize with one another, but we should not stay extra vigilant and worry too much, that we do not know everything about food, because as I hope I showed you, a lot of those healthy duos we already use intuitively in the kitchen.

http://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/meal-ideas/10-powerful-healthy-food-pairings http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=106